On the whole, cruising spots in Athens are safe, but there have been some incidents of violence in the past. Porn cinemas are also an option see page 9. Information about cruising at the gay 'beach', Limanakia, can be found on page 9. On your marks, get set, go! Where to cruiseĪthenian cruising areas are mainly the park near the Zappeion building, around certain public toilets (at The National Garden, Academias Street for example) and Pedion Areos park - mainly in the South-East area. It's a combination event that includes the marathon march, a lot of fun, plenty of sweat, a few hurdles, but no medals (as yet…) In a foreign city, it's always good to know what risks you may encounter and how to deal with the local police, so here are some helpful tips. Cruising in parks is a worldwide gay sport of Olympic proportions.